A Gallery Santa Fe
@ Sculpture Ranch
15 Nova Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
505 - 603 - 7744
By Appointment
Nathaniel Hesse
A Gallery Santa Fe opens its doors on November 2, with “Journeys West” -- a show of German expressionist realism -- from the legacy work of Heinz Emil Salloch.
This is a first, both for the gallery, a new venture on Marcy Street, and for the artist, a landscape painter who fled Nazi Germany in 1937. Salloch (1908 -1985) left a body of work that has beein gaining traction in New York and Berlin. His southwestern work has never been show-cased before.
A Gallery Santa Fe is proud to premier the water colors and pastels of Heinz Emil Salloch ( 1908-1985), a master in exile who painted New Mexico at the height of his powers.
Heinz Emil Salloch studied in Kiel and taught art in Berlin. Escaping political persecution, the artist fled to Cuba and the U.S. His crimes: teaching Jewish students and refusing to use the Nazi newspaper in class. Salloch settled in Maryland, but made frequent painting expeditions along the Eastern seaboard and to the South West. His first retrospective was held at the prestigious Raab Gallery in Berlin in 2007, with work acquired by the Berlin Stadt Museum and important collectors in Europe and the U.S.
Known for his brooding style, Salloch belongs to the lost generation of mid-century artists who refused the trend towards abstraction. Salloch’s sensitive palette, his grip on the figurative, and his frank approach to landscape distinguish his work.
Among the paintings on view are scenes from Cerillos and Galisteo in the ‘50s, mesas and pueblos, oil rigs and deserts, rendered with a German sensibility, as stark as it is poetic.
A Gallery Santa Fe is an artists’ cooperative, balancing legacy work with contemporary art. The gallery’s on going group show includes local sculptors Bill Weaver, Clark Man, Michael Wright, Nat Hesse, Carol Ware, Noel Aronov, and paintings by David Forlano, Norbert Voelkel and Vittorio Masoni.
Cundiyo - NM 16 x 20 watercolor
Oil Rig - Amarillo TX 16 x 20 watercolor