A Gallery Santa Fe
@ Sculpture Ranch
15 Nova Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
505 - 603 - 7744
By Appointment
Nathaniel Hesse
I cannot say in words what I communicate visually. The internal dialog that occurs while I’m working augments the process but does not explain the result. Good work stands independent of its making. To appreciate art is to be sensitive to your own responses to it.
Bag Pipe - Bronze
Piston Piece - Bronze
BORN: 1952, Des Moines, Iowa
Currently resides in Santa Fe County, New Mexico
1977 Bachelor of Arts, Metropolitan State College, Denver CO
1974-78 Apprenticeship, Edgar Britton, bronze sculptor, Littleton CO
1970-72 Apprenticeship, Ole’ Jorgenson, wood sculptor, Des Moines IA
2011 SOLO EXHIBITION: Littleton Historical Museum, Littleton CO (an Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution)
2009 FINALIST for the 2010 State of New Mexico Acclaimed Artists Series
2007 Feature article, Sculptural Pursuit magazine, Spring issue
2006 Selected artist for the third biannual Acclaimed Artists’ Series by the Art in Public Places
Program of New Mexico
2005 Acquisition: “Edge & Point”, by the Littleton Historical Museum, Littleton CO, 1% for the
2004 Commission: “Stars Over Mountains with Pine Trees and People”, a 6.5' x 9' bronze
wall relief for the Littleton, Colorado Historical Museum (an Affiliate of the Smithsonian
Institution) for the lobby of a new museum facility, dedicated 1/29/05
2002 Selected artist for the Acclaimed Artists’ Series by the Art in Public Places Program of
New Mexico
2001 Acquisition by the New Mexico 1% for the Arts, 6' bronze wall relief for the Bernalillo
County Courthouse, Albuquerque NM;
Acknowledged in The Erotic Art of Edgar Britton by Jane Hilberry, published by
“Documents of Colorado Art” Ocean View Books; forward by William Weaver
1990 Featured artist in “Colores” PBS-TV series on contemporary New Mexico artists
2011 GROUP EXHIBITIONS: Michael Lord Gallery, Palm Springs, CA; Craighead Green Galley, Dallas, TX; Ventana Gallery, Santa Fe, NM; Sisko Gallery, Seattle, WA
2010 GROUP EXHIBITIONS: Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX; Ventana Gallery, Santa Fe, NM; Sisko Gallery, Seattle, WA
2009 GROUP and SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Ventana Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX; Sisko Gallery, Seattle, WA
2008 GROUP and SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Ventana Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX; Sisko Gallery, Seattle, WA
2007 GROUP EXHIBITION: Ventana Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2006 Invited artist for the 3rd annual Crossroads Contemporary Gallery Celebration Benefiting
Kitchen Angels, Santa Fe, NM
Group Exhibitions: Crossroads Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX
2005 Group and Solo Exhibitions: Crossroads Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Sculpture Ranch, Santa Fe NM
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas TX
2004 Group Exhibitions: Crossroads Contemporary Invitational Grand Opening, Santa Fe, NM
Crossroads Contemporary featured artist, Santa Fe, NM
Sculpture Ranch 3rd Invitational, Santa Fe NM
Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Nick Cindric Fine Arts, Boca Raton FL
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas TX
DeGraaf Fine Art, Saugatuck MI and West Palm Beach FL
Crucible Gallery, Norman OK
Scotsdale Artport Gallery, Scotsdale AZ
2003 Group Exhibitions: Sculpture Ranch 2nd Invitational, Santa Fe NM
Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Nick Cindric Fine Arts, Boca Raton FL
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas TX
DeGraaf Fine Art, Saugatuck MI and West Palm Beach FL
Crucible Gallery, Norman OK
Scotsdale Artport Gallery, Scotsdale AZ
2002 Group Exhibitions: Sculpture Ranch Inaugural Invitational, Santa Fe NM
Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Nick Cindric Fine Arts, Boca Raton FL
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas TX
DeGraaf Fine Art, Saugatuck MI
2001 Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery 30th Anniversary Invitational, Tesuque NM
Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas TX
DeGraaf Fine Art, Saugatuck MI
Crucible Gallery, Norman OK
2000 Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Nick Cindric Fine Arts, Boca Raton FL
Crucible Gallery, Norman OK; The Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1999 “Miniatures/ 99”, The Albuquerque Museum of Art, Albuquerque NM
Commissioned: "Melli-Fluous", 8' bronze fountain, Pasadena CA
Commissioned: "Chock Maul II", 20" bronze maquette, Scottsdale AZ
Group Exhibitions: William Zimmer Fine Arts, Mendocino CA
Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM Nick Cindric Fine Arts, Boca Raton FL
The Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1998 “SOFA Chicago”, represented by Zimmer Fine Arts, Navy Pier, Chicago IL
Group Exhibitions: William Zimmer Fine Arts, Mendocino CA
Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Cindric Meyer Gallery, Boca Raton FL
Cynthia Woody Gallery, Scottsdale AZ
The Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1997 “Miniatures/ 97”, The Albuquerque Museum of Art, Albuquerque NM
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Cindric Meyer Gallery, Boca Raton FL
Cynthia Woody Gallery, Scottsdale AZ
The Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1996 "Summer Outdoor Sculpture Show", Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
"The Fine Art of Craft and Sculpture", Cline-LewAllen Gallery, Santa Fe NM
Commissioned: "Pas De Trois", 7' bronze sculpture, Sheboygan WI
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Cynthia Woody Gallery, Scottsdale AZ
Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1995 "Miniatures / 95", The Albuquerque Museum of Art, Albuquerque NM
Solo Exhibitions: "Bill Weaver", Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Cynthia Woody Gallery, Scottsdale AZ
The Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1994 "Food Shrine Show", represented by Shidoni Gallery, Santa Fe NM
"Old Media, New Ways ", Shidoni Contemporary Gallery, Tesuque NM
Commissioned: "Box Fall", 5' bronze fountain, Dallas TX
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1993 Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1992 Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1991 "Magnifico!", monumental outdoor works, Museum of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
1990 "Art L.A.-Expo ' 90", represented by Shidoni Contemporary Gallery, Tesuque NM
"Summer Outdoor Sculpture Show", Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
The Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan WI
Andrea Ross Gallery, Santa Monica CA
1989 Commissioned: "Ball in a Quilt", 6' bronze fountain, Beverly Hills CA;
"4th International Contemporary Art Fair" Los Angeles CA, represented by Shidoni
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Andrea Ross Gallery, Santa Monica CA
1988 Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Eva Cohen Gallery, Chicago IL
1987 "Summer Outdoor Sculpture Show", Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
"Lubbock Festival of the Arts", represented by Shidoni Gallery, Lubbock TX
Group Exhibitions: Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Eva Cohen Gallery, Chicago IL
1975-86 Commissioned: Samsonite Luggage Company, an original bronze sculpture edition,
each year through 1990, Denver CO
COMMISSIONED: University of Colorado, original bronze sculpture edition, Boulder,CO
Group AND SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Edgar Britton Gallery, Littleton CO; Shidoni Gallery, Tesuque NM
Randi's Art Gallery, Cherry Creek, Denver CO; Denver Dry Gallery, Denver CO
Commissioned: Teton Exploration and Drilling Co, 7' bronze floor relief, Cheyenne WY
Commissioned: Colorado School of Mines, 4' bronze wall relief, Golden CO
Grant recipient: Allied Arts Group, Denver CO