A Gallery Santa Fe
@ Sculpture Ranch
15 Nova Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
505 - 603 - 7744
By Appointment
Nathaniel Hesse
Obelisk - stainless steel - 96" x 22 " x 22" - 2017
This past year was "future shock". The election of
you know who and the downward spiral of civil
discourse across this most interesting country
of ours. I am contending with what this new year can be.
The process of art making sometimes is so slow compared to
how fast things move around us. Internally searching for maybe a more immediate and effective way to promote ideas.
I throw these thoughts out to all that there is and know that the answer will be forth coming. 1/21/18
Xmas Obelisk - stainless steel - 5o" x 12" x 12" - 2017